Max Mara, the renowned Italian luxury fashion house, has announced that its Resort 2025 show will be held at the Palazzo Ducale in Venice. This event is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, 2024, and will take place at the historic Doge’s Palace, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a symbol of Venice’s rich cultural heritage.
“We are pleased to announce that the Max Mara Resort 2025 collection will be shown in Venice at Palazzo Ducale,” the house revealed in a press release on Monday.
The announcement follows the success of Max Mara’s previous resort shows in Stockholm and Lisbon, which were praised for their modernist interpretations of resort wear. In Stockholm, designer Ian Griffiths drew inspiration from Scandinavian culture and its role in empowering women. In Lisbon, Griffiths’ collection was influenced by Natália Correia, the famed Portuguese free-thinker, and explored themes of erotic feminism.
Max Mara has a tradition of selecting unique and historically significant locations for their shows, and this announcement continues that legacy. The Resort 2025 collection is expected to showcase innovative designs that embody the brand’s dedication to quality and craftsmanship, further cementing Max Mara’s reputation for timeless elegance.
This upcoming show at the Palazzo Ducale promises to be a remarkable event, reflecting Max Mara’s ongoing commitment to merging historical significance with contemporary fashion.