In an unusual turn of events, a burglar targeted a mansion located in an upscale neighbourhood in Hong Kong during the early hours of Wednesday, but left with nothing more than two cans of cola. The incident occurred at a standalone house in Perkins Road in Jardine’s Lookout, Wan Chai.
A 56-year-old domestic helper discovered the intruder in the mansion’s dining room at approximately 4 am, according to a police source. Upon being spotted, the intruder quickly fled into the living room and made his escape through the garden.
It wasn’t until about four hours later that the maid noticed signs of tampering with an aluminium window frame. Subsequently, at around 1 pm, a 70-year-old female resident, one of 11 people residing in the house, contacted the police to report the break-in.
Upon investigation, the officers believed that the intruder had gained entry by forcing open a window. Interestingly, there were no signs of ransacking or significant theft within the mansion. After conducting a thorough search, the occupants found that only two cans of cola, stored in a bar cabinet in the living room, were missing.
A police spokesperson confirmed that a Wan Chai district investigation team was assigned to handle the case.
The mansion, which covers an area of 13,040 square feet and boasts a garden of around 10,000 square feet, a swimming pool, and ample parking space for several cars, was put up for sale in September of the previous year with an indicative price of HK$1 billion (approximately US$128 million). However, it failed to find a buyer. The property is reportedly owned by the Nam Mui (Kin Kee) Company, a real estate firm that acquired the mansion in July 1992 for HK$18 million.